Best for Women April 2022

Countdown to Region Conferences

It's almost time for region conference ... are you ready? SIA has prepared an array of tools to help region leaders enrich, engage, and inform your events including videos, presentations, and fun activities. Please share photos from your conference using the hashtag #SIARegionConference2022. We might share them on social media!

NEW! Share Your Story Opportunities!

We are thrilled to introduce our new Share Your Story forms at region conferences. These new forms will allow us to gather awesome content that can inspire our members, attract new people, and help raise funds for our programs. We are always eager to hear stories that showcase the great work our clubs are doing and how our mission has touched lives. 

Download Your Convention Promo Package

We are so excited about our upcoming convention featuring Malala Yousafzai as our keynote speaker, and want to spread the news to all of our family and friends so they can join us for our big event too. Download the convention graphics and promo package to start spreading the word. You will hear more at your region conference!

Upcoming Events

Get Your Early Bird Ticket to Convention!

Early registration is open for SIA’s Virtual 47th Biennial Convention on Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23, 2022, where Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai will serve as our keynote speaker! Register now and get more details on the convention webpage.

Celebrate Volunteer Week

Volunteer Week is coming! The week is an opportunity to recognize our members who go above and beyond every day for the women and girls we serve. Look for a special email the week of April 17-23 and check out our social channels where we will be celebrating our members!

Civility Training

Save the Date! Mark your calendar for a free Civility Training Webinar: May 19, 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT. Registration information coming soon to your inbox!

New SIA Staff

We are thrilled to welcome Sanjay Sharma as SIA’S new chief financial officer. In this role, Sanjay will oversee SIA’s finance and general administration teams. A certified public accountant, Sanjay brings more than 20 years of global experience in corporate and nonprofit accounting environments. Read more about Sanjay here. You can reach Sanjay at Please, welcome him aboard!

Our Collective Impact Infographic

During unprecedented challenges, we have found strength in our unity to help women and girls. Let us be inspired by our steadfast support and reflect on our accomplishments as we embark on a brilliant future together. View SIA’s collective impact in FY20/21.

Things to Know

  • The call for volunteers to serve as the 2027 SI Convention Chair and Treasurer closes on April 15

  • The ballot to elect SIA’s 2022-2023 President-elect is now open through April 28. Links to the electronic ballot were sent to clubs in good standing. 

  • Now that your club has selected your Live Your Dream Awards recipient, it’s time to celebrate her!  

  • If you missed our virtual Club Operations Training or would like to view it again, please click here to watch.




Call to Convention Now Available!


It's Almost Time for Region Conferences ... Are You Ready?