Education Helps Fight Domestic Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This October marks another month of Domestic Violence Awareness in efforts to protect, educate, and support women and girls. Domestic violence does not discriminate– 1 in 4 women experience severe partner physical violence. When thinking about domestic violence victims, their families can often be victims too. Researchers have estimated that between 3.3 million and 10 million children are exposed to adult domestic violence each year.

Education can be the pathway to a different life, empowering women. Through it, women have better access and opportunities in the workforce, the ability to combat economic violence, provide for their families, and gain resources to leave unhealthy situations. 

Several Live Your Dream Awards recipients have taken their chance to pursue their education and get improve their situation. Tyra, a 2015 award recipient, used her award to leave her abusive environment and obtain a degree. She has since founded an organization called The Women’s Solo Project, Inc., a non-profit resource center whose mission is to educate women and children about domestic violence prevention and awareness in the city of Philadelphia. 

Lucia, from British Columbia, Canada, suffered unspeakable violence at the hands of her now ex-partner, who controlled every aspect of her life including her education, friends, religion, finances, and independence. After earning her GED, Lucia is now studying to become a special education assistant, with the eventual goal of becoming a teacher. “I have now gained the confidence and hope to dream again,” said Lucia.

There are several ways to support survivors. For a detailed list, visit 5 Ways to Support Domestic Violence Survivors.

  1. Understand the Issue: Learn common facts, Know the warning signs, understand the psychology of abuse, and listen to stories of survivors.

  2. Start Conversations and Raise Awareness: Once you understand the issues, SPEAK UP to raise awareness of domestic violence! Share facts, strike up discussions, stop normalizing violence against women, and more.

  3. Donate to help organizations that support domestic violence survivors. Consider making a donation to Soroptimist to help us reach more women. You can check to find local shelters’ wish lists.

  4. Fundraise to help organizations that support survivors. You can start a fundraiser now through Facebook!

  5. Be a political advocate. Write, call, and tweet your elected officials to find out where they stand.

Complete a Big Goal Accelerator Project

Encourage your Soroptimist club to complete a project helping domestic violence survivors for a Big Goal Accelerator Project!

The Victoria Westshore club in Western Canada created the Give Her Wings Awards for women enrolled in academic or skills training courses, but they do not need dependents. To qualify, they must have come under the foster care system for a period of time in their youth. In addition, the club operates an entirely volunteer-run free store for items to outfit homes for youth aging out of foster care and/or women displaced by domestic violence and other factors.



/Live Your Dream Award/ Stories: Jacqueline


Go Purple on October 20