FAQ on New SI Emblem and SIA’s Branding Guidelines

At the 2023 Soroptimist International (SI) convention held in Dublin, Ireland (July 27-29, 2023), SI introduced a new emblem.

Will SIA transition from the “S” logo to SI’s new emblem?

No. At Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. (SIA), our logo remains the “S” logo with the “Investing in Dreams” tagline. 

We believe the “S” logo encapsulates the essence of our mission and objectives, and all SIA members should continue using this logo in all communications and materials. Staying consistent with our branding not only amplifies SIA’s message but also fosters unity and a shared identity across our initiatives. 

Other federations have opted to also take this approach by creating their own logo, allowing each federation to distinguish their own unique and impactful work.

Where can clubs find the “S” logo and learn more about the SIA brand?

Visit the Recognition & Branding page of SIA’s website at Soroptimist.org to view our visual brand guide, download trademarked logos and access other branding resources. 

Should clubs integrate the SI emblem into their marketing materials?

SIA has discontinued the use of the SI emblem across its materials. The SIA Board of Directors advised that all clubs stop using the SI emblem by the end of 2019, except for specific SI projects or fundraising. In such instances, both the approved SI emblem and SIA “S” logo should appear, with the SIA logo taking precedence.

Where should we go to learn more about the SI emblem?

Learn more information about the new SI emblem on the SI website.  




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