Help Us Support More Women With the SIAHQ /Live Your Dream Awards/

Every January, hundreds of volunteers come together to help judge the SIAHQ Live Your Dream Awards applications. These awards are given to women across the U.S. and Canada who live more than 75 miles from a Soroptimist club and don’t have access to a local award. These women, like all applicants, are incredibly driven and passionate about making a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Here’s what our 2022 judges had to say:

Again and again, our judges tell staff how hard it is to score and select their top application — all these women are so deserving. Yet, in 2022 out of the 371 applications SIAHQ received, only 8% of these women received a life-changing Live Your Dream Award.

By becoming a Stargazer Monthly Donor, you can help bridge the funding gap so that more outstanding applicants can receive the support they deserve. This year, SIAHQ hopes to award Live Your Dream Awards to 40% of the applicants, but we can’t do it without you.

Monthly giving is one of the best ways to provide ongoing, sustainable funds to the women whose lives are being improved by the Live Your Dream Awards. With a monthly donation of $100, $50, $25, or even $5, you are helping ensure that more women can live their dreams.

If you have questions about becoming a Stargazer Monthly Donor or other ways to support the SIAHQ Live Your Dream Awards, please get in touch with the Fund Development Staff at or 215-893-9000 ext.120.

Thank you for everything you do as a Soroptimist member to support the women in your community and beyond.




Registration is Open for Leadership Development Opportunities!


SI to Host Webinar on UN International Day of Education (January 24)