New Club Year, New Program Details!

Congratulations! Our global impact in FY22/23 was remarkable. We are incredibly proud to announce that over $2.9 million in Live Your Dream Awards were disbursed, with 2,174 women receiving an award. With the new fiscal year upon us, please take the time to read these important updates for our Programs.

Download or print the Dream It, Be It Impact Infographic

Download or print the Live Your Dream Awards Impact Infographic

Live Your Dream Awards Reporting Process

As a reminder, the Live Your Dream Awards reporting process is now fully online! Region and district chairs will no longer collect club transmittal forms. Instead, all clubs will submit a report to SIA through our online reporting link (Currently, the form is closed but will reopen on December 1), just like you do with Dream It, Be It and Big Goal Accelerator Projects! You and your region chair will receive a copy of your submitted report, and you can even edit it after submission.

Please watch our training video to learn more about this new process! You can also review the form and its questions to help prepare for your report.

What’s different about this process? Not much! The questions are almost identical to the club transmittal. You will need internet access, a device, and a copy of your club’s top award recipient scanned or saved to your device in order to complete the form. We cannot accept PDF or emailed reports, and neither can your region chair. All reports must be submitted through the form, but with some time spent reviewing our training video, we are confident that this will be a smooth process.

Reporting your club’s impact to SIA is crucial so we can acknowledge and understand your participation, ensure that your club’s top recipient is included in further award judging, and count your work towards the Big Goal of investing in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education.  Questions? Email for support!

Save the Date

Have you heard about Soroptimist Club Grants for Education and Economic Empowerment, but you're not sure what qualifies? Could your club benefit from financial support for your Dream Programs or Big Goal Accelerator Projects? Join us on Jan 9, 2024 7:00PM EST to learn more! This webinar will be simultaneously interpreted and recorded.




October 11 is International Day of the Girl


Nourishing Her Dreams: Jessica’s Story