PRoAction Newsletter- August

Here’s your monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages. Please share information with your clubs to help spread the word about our mission and programs!

Take Action…Promote the Live Your Dream Awards® Applications

It’s that time of year—application season for the Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women®! Eligible women can apply for the award August 1 to November 15. 

5 Tips to Promote the Application

Customize and send this news release to local media. It promotes the award and links women to the application. 

Contact local organizations to help you spread the word and share flyers:

  • Local universities and community colleges

  • Vocational and training schools

  • Places of worship

  • Domestic violence shelters

  • Women's health centers

  • Daycare centers

  • Job and career fairs

Customizable Flyer

Customize this promotional flyer and ask your local organizations to hang it, post it and share it with their audiences. 

Promote the Live Your Dream Awards application on social media with an eye-catching and informative graphic. 

Customizable Canva Template

Customize this graphic to promote the Live Your Dream Awards application on social media. You can insert this link to the main apply page for easy access:

Ask your club's past award recipients to share quotes, photos and videos of how the award has impacted their lives. Be sure to have them complete a consent form before sharing their stories with the public!

Talk about the impact this award has on recipients. For example:

  • 81% completed their education and improved their standard of living

  • 93% increased their self-esteem

  • 96% now live safely (of the 56% who are survivors of violence)

Impact Infographic

This infographic provides impactful statistics about how this program ignites change for women and their families. Share it on social media, on your club website, and with local organizations and media. 

What’s Happening in SIA this Month

Be on the lookout for these upcoming deadlines, initiatives and events.

Together We Can Make an Impact!

With our strength in numbers we have the power to make a real impact while increasing our brand recognition! If you have any marketing or branding questions, contact your region public awareness chair or SIA Headquarters at




Meet the 48th Biennial Convention Chair and Co-Chair!


Best for Women August 2023