UpliftHER Initiative: Intimate Partner Violence

Once a quarter, we will focus on an obstacle that women and girls face on their path to formal education and economic empowerment. SIA will share information about the obstacle, along with suggested projects that count towards our Big Goal. Clubs can participate in the quarterly project focus by sharing SIA posts and posting their own projects with the hashtag #SoroptimistsUpliftHER.

For the first quarter (October-December), we will focus on projects that increase access to education for women or girls who have experienced intimate partner violence.

Intimate partner violence is devastatingly common for women and girls around the globe.

  • Nearly 1 in 3 women will experience it during their lifetime according to the World Health Organization.

  • Financial abuse occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases where abusers control or sabotage their partner’s financial resources.

  • When women and girls are educated, they have the skills to command decent wages and the resources to escape unsafe relationships sooner.

Social Graphics

Spread awareness about intimate partner violence on social media with these graphics!

Big Goal Accelerator Project Eligibility

Clubs with the capacity to start a new project may wish to partner with a local shelter to provide professional dress clothing for women who have experienced violence and provide training on interview basics, resume writing, and career advancement.

This ensures that women rebuilding their lives can pursue economic empowerment without facing additional barriers like the lack of professional clothing or interview skills. Be sure to report it as a Big Goal Accelerator Project!

Does your club have a different project that increases access to education for women impacted by intimate partner violence? We’d love to hear about it! Post about it using the hashtag #SoroptimistsUpliftHER.

P.S.—Learn more about Soroptimists UpliftHER by watching our webinar from earlier this month!




Happy October/Happy Anniversary!


Roadmap Metrics Recognition and Best in Federation Awards - Delayed