Artificial Intelligence and /Live Your Dream Awards/

We hope our clubs are receiving lots of strong, eligible Live Your Dream Awards applications to review!

As technology continues to evolve, it both makes our lives easier and adds new challenges. Artificial intelligence (or AI) is a perfect example. A club in the U.S. recently received an application where it was clear that the essays and even references were completed by a computer, not a human being.


If you suspect an essay may have been generated by artificial intelligence, look for the following signs:

·       Overly formal language that does not match the tone in other communications or essays

·       Extremely vague responses without any personal details

·       Inconsistencies between the essays or the essays and other parts of the application (for example, a mismatch in desired career goals, education program, or major)

·       Anything where there is information in brackets, such as [Applicant’s Name] or [College’s Name]


If you see these signs, be sure to follow up with the applicant or reference via the phone to verify the information. We are adding a statement to the application and reference section stating that by submitting their application or reference, they are not only agreeing that everything in it is true and accurate, but are also affirming that they wrote it. It is important that our applicants share their authentic stories, even if they are not perfectly written.

If you need any support with reviewing your applications or any other part of the Awards, please don’t hesitate to email us

Thank you for your Soroptimist service!




PRoAction Newsletter- October


November 15 IRS Filing Deadline for 2022-2023 Club Year