Participate in the Election of the SIA President-elect!
Each year, member clubs of Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc., who are in good standing have the opportunity to participate in the election of the SIA President-elect.
Electronic Voting
Soroptimist International of the Americas uses electronic balloting for the office of 2024-2025 President-elect. On Friday, March 1, your club will receive a unique personalized link sent to your club email address. The email will come from the electronic ballot portal address “vote@” This link cannot be transferred or used by another club. It is authentic to your club, allows entrance to the voting portal and ensures your club only votes once in the election.
The voting portal will be open from Friday, March 1, until 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on Thursday, May 2.
The following 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 SIA Board members are candidates for 2024-2025 President-elect:
Club Voting
The resumes and videos for all the candidates are now available for your club to review on the SIA website. Please have your club review all resumes and determine how the club will cast its vote before entering the voting portal.
When your club is ready to cast its vote, click your club’s authenticated link received in the email and enter the portal. The club will be able to access the resumes of the candidates again in the voting portal. Please rank the candidates in accordance with your club’s preference, from 1 (most preferred) to 3 (least preferred). Once the club’s ballot is cast, you will have access to view and print a receipt of the ballot.
Information on how to access your club’s email is available on the SIA website if your club has not accessed your club email previously.
SIA Bylaws and Procedures Governing this Election
Please refer to Article VI section 6.02 (Election and Term of Office) and Article VI section 6.03 (Duties of the President) in the SIA bylaws for additional information about the president’s duties.
Candidates for federation offices are not permitted to campaign, and individuals or clubs are not permitted to campaign on behalf of any candidate. Refer to Procedure A (General) #2 in the SIA procedures for additional information. Any violations of this procedure should be reported to headquarters immediately.
I encourage your club to exercise its vote in this important governing process of SIA. Thank you for consideration of the 2024-2025 SIA President-elect candidates.
Michelle Burnett
Executive Director/CEO
Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc.