New Positions at SI

Congrats to SIA President Bobbi Enderlin on her upcoming role as an SI Board Director and to Fundraising Council Chair Tana Elizondo on her new role as the SIA Representative to the SI Global Impact Committee. Learn more about their positions, terms and what they hope to bring to their roles.

SIA: Tell us about your new position.
I have been appointed as a Director to the Soroptimist International Board of Directors. This entails representing our SIA Federation along with another director on the SI Board, setting the direction for SI and also serving as a working board member on multiple committees. SI has a "working board" and we will be involved in most aspects of the organization. 
Tana: I will serve as SIA Representative to SI Global Impact Committee.  I will work closely with the other 4 federations representatives providing our collective data information received from SIA Program Director Jackie Schrauger.  This information will flow both ways as I will report back SIA  regarding the information shared at our monthly meetings via zoom.  I will also assist with provided number of registration that we will receive for SIA to attend CSW that is held annually in March of each year in New York.

SIA: What are you most looking forward to about it?
I'm looking forward to another perspective on our organization. I have served in leadership positions at the club, region and federation level. Now I will have an opportunity to learn about the International level, and help make decisions about an area that I have heard about, but need to understand in more detail so I can help the organization as we move through the second 100 years. 
Tana: Everything! I will be open to meeting new people, representing SIA, the ability to become more knowledgeable on our global impact, personal growth and development and becoming more familiar with the sustainable development goals and how our programs make changes. 

SIA: What are the dates of your term?
January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026
Tana: I will begin my term September 1, 2024 and it will run through December 31, 2026. This appointment usually runs from January, however I will be replacing the current SIA Representative who has taken on a new position as Fundraising Chair effective September 1, 2024.

What do you hope to bring to this role?
I hope to bring my love of Soroptimist and the knowledge I have gained these past several years in being a leader of our federation. I know how important the advocacy process is for our organization  and I am looking forward to representing us on this global stage. I am hoping that I have opportunities to share this knowledge with our members across the world so that we are seen as the global voice for women everywhere. 
Tana: I would like to say it is my ability to navigate through changes, advocacy for our Dream Programs that provide women and girls tools for success in their future, having a global voice and lastly sharing with others how globally we have a responsibility to remain an organization made up of strength and stability.

We wish Bobbi and Tana the best of luck in their new roles!




Happy August/Happy Anniversary!


Know Before You Go: Convention