Important Notification Regarding SIA’s Store
A message from Iesha D. Brown, SIA Chief of Impact & Engagement:
You may be aware of the serious shortages of products and materials around the world that is affecting many industries. The entire global supply chain continues to experience immense pressure because of stresses caused by COVID-19 and related transportation issues. Unfortunately, these issues are also affecting several items in the Soroptimist Store:
Member Pins
Past Governors Pins
Various Anniversary Pins
Blue Canvas Shield Badge Holders
Iesha D. Brown, SIA Chief of Impact & Engagement
I want to personally acknowledge and apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing because of global delays affecting our ability to provide you with merchandise from the Soroptimist Store.
We greatly value your membership and your business. Please be assured that we are working with our vendors and doing everything we can to obtain these items so you may continue to support and promote Soroptimist.
We appreciate your patience as we work through this challenging time. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your Stakeholder Engagement Coordinators at or 215-893-9000.
Thank you for your service and dedication.