SIA 48th Biennial Convention Recap

We had an amazing time in Bellevue at our 48th Biennial Convention! Check out our recap of each day with some highlight photos and workshop powerpoint slides to take back to your club.

Wednesday, July 24

Wednesday we welcomed our lovely Soroptimist members to the opening of the 48th Biennial Convention! We held orientations for first-time convention attendees, delegates, and governors. The afternoon was complete with a lovely opening friendship ceremony and reception. A beautiful flag presentation and performance from Blue Thunder, the Seattle Seahawks band, kicked off the evening!

Thursday, July 25

Thursday’s highlight was the general business meeting and a speech from keynote presenter Sandra Garcia! She covered inclusive leadership potential and how to drive positive change. Panelists also came together at the Local and Global Together session with representatives from Soroptimist International and the United Nations.

Friday, July 26

Friday was a busy day packed with workshops covering topics like membership, governance, website evolution, and volunteer management. In our impact session, we heard inspiring and moving stories from two federation Live Your Dream Award recipients, Brianna and Daryn. For the evening we brought out our dancing shoes for the Pretty in Pink Laurel Society event and our Denim and Diamonds dance party!

Abby’s Photo Booth provided laughs and memories!

Saturday, July 27

How are we at the last day of convention? Time flies when Soroptimists are having fun! Saturday was another day for learning in our workshops. Our keynote speaker Robyn Benincasa took us through G.R.I.T. and how we can apply it to what we are all going through in the world today. G.R.I.T is the combination of: Guts, Respect, Ingenuity, and Teamwork. We also had a ZUMBA® session led by instructor Fran Means to get some exercise in for a break. The highlight of the day and the convention was the Volunteer Recognition Gala. At the gala we honored our dedicated members, clubs, and regions who have selflessly dedicated their time, energy, and passion to making a positive impact. We also announced the location of our 49th Biennal Convention….South Korea! Stay tuned for more information. We hope you enjoyed Bellevue, the fellowship, the learning opportunities, and the convention experience.

We had some paparazzi at our gala!

Workshop Powerpoints

Find the PDFs from the workshop powerpoints below, organized by session name!

Good to Great Governance

Improving Your Financial Prowess

Insight Into the Future of SIA Programs

Leading Through Conflict

Making the Ask

Membership Basics

SIA Website Evolution

Strategic Alignment

Volunteer Management- It’s an Art

Official Convention Photos

More photos, including region photos, will be available soon. Our official convention photographer, Shanna Paxton Photography, is finishing the editing and organizing process. We'll provide a download link once they're ready. Stay tuned!




Meet Our Federation Leadership


Happy September/Happy Anniversary!