Happy September/Happy Anniversary!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the clubs celebration a milestone anniversary during the month of September! 🎊🎊🎊
SI/Junction City, OR (Northwestern Region )- 55
SI/Greater Davis, CA (Sierra Nevada Region)- 40
SI/Makati (Philippines Region)- 40
SI/Yawatahama (Japan Nishi Region)- 35
SI/Araguari (Brazil Region)- 35
SI/Saga Ariake (Japan Minami Region)- 25
SI/Pohang (Korea Region)-10
SI/London, ON (Eastern Canada Region)- 10
SI/Samsung (Korea Region)- 10
SI/Yoosung (Korea Region)- 5
SI/East Taiwan (Taiwan Region)- 5
SI/Red River Valley (Peaks to Plains Region)- 5
Thank you for your dedication to helping women and girls achieve economic empowerment through access to education!