United Nations Day 2022

October 24 commemorates the day the United Nations formed to join countries around a common cause of peace, prosperity, and positive change—similar to Soroptimist’s founding mission.  


Soroptimists have proudly supported the United Nations’ mission and goals since the 1950s and in 2015, the UN put forth a new agenda called the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a blueprint to achieving an even better, more sustainable future for all.

Soroptimists help elevate the United Nations’ aims by advancing progress on a number of these Sustainable Development Goals through our global Dream Programs, including:

Goal 1. End Poverty

Goal 4. Quality Education

Goal 5. Gender Equality

Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 10. Reduce Inequality

Whether it’s helping women increase their standard of living by obtaining education and better paying jobs, or providing career guidance to vulnerable teen girls, we’re supporting these women and girls on the path to lifelong empowerment. And when women and girls are able to participate in society to the fullest, that leads to better outcomes across every single UN Sustainable Development Goal.


Dream Chasers

As Soroptimists, you know the power of dreams. We’ve seen what can happen when you invest in a woman’s education so she can lift her family out of poverty. We’ve seen how a gift of encouragement can ignite success from the spark of a young girl’s dream.


Through our charitable gifts and volunteer service, we’ve helped build a world where women and girls can enjoy more equality and access to better life outcomes than ever before. 

And we can do more. Because we are problem-solvers and change-makers.

So this United Nations Day 2022, as we celebrate the first annual Violet Richardson Month of Giving, through our combined efforts, we can achieve our goal of helping make the dreams of half a million more women and girls come true!

With our hearts and minds fixed on our common purpose, there is nothing we cannot do!




Go Purple on October 20


Support Survivors Like Mai, a /Live Your Dream Awards/ Recipient