Why I believe in the Big Goal and Dream Big Campaign 

When I joined the Soroptimist staff team in January 2019, I was captivated by the mission and forward-looking vision for the future of our organization.  I saw motivated members, leaders, and donors stepping up with creative ideas to move us into the next century as a thriving and modern organization.  I was excited to be a part of that then, and still am today as we continue our work on the Big Goal and near the finish line of the Dream Big Campaign. 

I believe in our goal of investing in the dreams of a half million women and girls through access to education because I have seen the impact our members and clubs have made working tirelessly towards this shared effort.  As a member of SI Five Points Magneta in Philadelphia, PA, I have seen our club’s commitment to the Dream Programs. I have had numerous conversations with passionate members who have shared stories of Live Your Dream Award winners and Dream It, Be It participants that have brought tears to my eyes.   

I also believe in the power of philanthropy for us to reach our Big Goal, specifically through the Dream Big Campaign, and have seen generous donors step up with personal stories as to why Soroptimist is so important in their lives.  It’s exciting to be a part of these meaningful conversations for an organization well-loved by so many. 

Thank you for your thousands of hours of volunteer time, financial support and continued dedication to the women and girls we serve.  I am honored to be working alongside you.

I would love to know why you believe in the Big Goal and Dream Big Campaign.  Please fill out the ‘Share your Story’ form and I’d be thrilled to follow up with you. 

In Soroptimist Friendship, 

Erica Cheslock 

Director of Donor Relations 



Happy July/Happy Anniversary!


2023 Region Conference Highlights