“Why are you excited for the Leadership Round Table?”

Get ready to experience leadership development in a whole new way at SIA’s first Leadership Round Table and Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program! All members are invited to attend SIA’s virtual 2023 Leadership Round Table and invited to apply for the two-year Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program.

Leadership Round Table is an evolution of the Governors Round Table and will be open to ALL SIA members so they can access critical leadership development content. By attending the Leadership Round Table, you will develop your skills and be part of the ever-changing and growing Soroptimist organization. Take this opportunity to learn and become a better overall leader or attend to feed your interest in becoming a future Soroptimist leader. 

The Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program is a multi-year commitment and accompaniment to the Leadership Round Table. Participation in the Fellows Program grants you automatic admission into the virtual 2023 Leadership Round Table. The Fellows Program is an immersive certificate program that allows members to further and enrich their leadership skills in an engaging and interactive way alongside fellow up-and-coming and established Soroptimist leaders. 

Not sure if these leadership opportunities are for you? Discover why two Soroptimist members, Peggy and Theresa, have registered for both Leadership Round Table and the Fellows Program!

Peggy Gentile-VanMeter

…of SI/Soroptimist International of Cumberland County, NJ (North Atlantic Region), has many years of experience with leadership in Soroptimist. In her 17 years as a member, she has served as district II secretary, director, and governor-elect, and served as 2018-20220 North Atlantic Region Governor. She is currently a committee member of the Dream Big Campaign.

I feel that Leadership skills can always be improved on. Leaders need to change as the world around us changes.
— Peggy Gentile-VanMeter

She is excited to learn more about SIA procedures and be a resource for upcoming leaders with her experience in several Soroptimist leadership positions. Similar to Peggy, Theresa is excited to gain more knowledge. 

Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot

…of SI/Bend, OR (Northwestern Region), wants to grow her leadership skills to further support her club, the region, and SIA. She has held the position of club president for multiple years. Theresa also served as district secretary and director of district II in the Northwestern Region and region secretary for a biennium.

I aspire to become governor of our region and serve our organization in a leadership capacity. I feel I have more to give than I have been giving. With more leadership skills and knowledge, I would be better equipped to serve at a higher level and be a more effective leader in our region and organization.
— Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot

Join Theresa and Peggy as they grow as leaders for Soroptimist and their communities by attending the 2023 Leadership Round Table and Leadership Fellows Program!




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