The Real Reason Behind the Gender Wage Gap
Women outpace men in both education and labor, yet still earn less money at work. Here's why.
SIA Commits Global Support for Women and Girls
We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, especially the women and girls.
Malala to Serve as SIA 2022 Convention Keynote Speaker!
Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai to speak at virtual convention on Friday, July 22.
A Personal Letter from Ivana, /Live Your Dream Awards/ Recipient
There’s no better time to show your support for women and girls than on International Women’s Day!
SI/San Francisco, CA, Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Club turns 100 on March 6. Learn about its early history.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
The under-representation of women and girls in science, innovation and cutting-edge technology.
Where Gender Equality and Sustainability Intersect
The UN has declared “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow" as the theme for International Women’s Day 2022. What exactly is the connection between sustainability and gender equality?
Actor Christine Baranski Embraces Dream Big Campaign to Empower More Women
Emmy and Tony-award-winning actress Christine Baranski publicly supports Soroptimist campaign to to invest in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education.
How Your Influencer Marketing Can Support the Dream Big Campaign
Here are some key ways Soroptimists can work with local influencers.
Region Fundraiser Highlight
On November 30, 2021, the five Japan regions hosted an event in celebration of Soroptimist’s 100th Anniversary to raise over $50,000 for the Dream Big Campaign!