October 11 is International Day of the Girl
October 11 is honored around the world as a day to call attention to the injustices that young girls experience across the globe, while also celebrating the achievements and progress made to advance gender equality. See ways to participate!
New Club Year, New Program Details!
With the new fiscal year upon us, please take the time to read these important updates for our Programs.
PRoAction Newsletter- September 2024
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
InfoPrática: Technology Certifications for Women and Girls
SI/Porto Alegre Metropolitana developed professional qualification courses in the area of information technology to benefit the most vulnerable women and girls. Read the blog to learn how!
Helping Women Reach Their Dreams: SI/Clovis, CA
SI/Clovis made a huge impact in their local community with 35 Live Your Dream Awards given to local women attending several colleges in their area.
Unstoppable Women: SI/San Diego, CA
SI/San Diego (Desert Coast Region) held an "Unstoppable Women" event that celebrated their 2023 Live Your Dream Awards recipients.
“Beeswax Wrap Handcraft Workshop” Builds Circles of Exchange
Check out the beeswax wrap workshop SI/Kumamoto held to raise money and connect with their community!
2023 Best in Federation Club Awards Winner – Philanthropy
The Best in Federation Club Awards recognize the outstanding work of clubs and celebrates the best practices in their support of SIA’s strategic plan. Clubs who achieve 100% of the Club Roadmap Metrics are invited to apply for the award. Read to find out more about the Philanthropy winner!
Putting Dreams into Action with SI/Rose Fukuyama
Check out the Dream It, Be It program that SI/Rose Fukuyama (Japan Nishi Region) put on!
100 Years of Service for SI/Long Beach, CA
Congratulations to SI/Long Beach, CA (Camino Real Region), and all its members as it celebrates the 100th anniversary of its chartering on March 28, 1924!
Become a Stargazer monthly donor!
Do you know what is one of the easiest ways to support Soroptimist and our Big Goal of reaching a half million women and girls by 2031? Become a Stargazer monthly donor!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Happy International Women’s Day! Celebrate with us by sharing a post on social media with hashtags #LYDWalkforWomen and #WhyIWalk! Share our mission with your community, or invest in the dreams of women and girls today!