Soroptimist Soroptimist

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Teen dating violence is a serious problem. Around 10% of teens in the U.S. have experienced physical or sexual violence while dating. Up to 75% report being emotionally or psychologically abused.

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Soroptimist Soroptimist

Registration is Open for Leadership Development Opportunities!

Registration is now open for SIA’s first Leadership Round Table and Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program! All members are invited to attend SIA’s virtual 2023 Leadership Round Table and invited to apply for the two-year Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program.

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Inspiration Soroptimist Inspiration Soroptimist

A Survivor Story

On National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we reflect on 2019 Federation Live Your Dream Award recipient Natalia’s extraordinary resilience through her childhood involving kidnapping and sex trafficking. Read her story and sign the pledge to help survivors.

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