November 15 IRS Filing Deadline for 2023-2024 Club Year
All Soroptimist clubs holding any 501(c)(3) federal tax status are required to file annually with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a version of Form 990. Read the blog for more information and resources!
Artificial Intelligence and /Live Your Dream Awards/
We hope our clubs are receiving lots of strong, eligible Live Your Dream Awards applications to review! As technology continues to evolve, it both makes our lives easier and adds new challenges. Artificial intelligence (or AI) is a perfect example. Read more to find out more information about signs of AI and what to do if you suspect it.
/Live Your Dream Awards/ Reminders
Read this blog for reminders about things like judging and reporting for the Live Your Dream Awards!
Call for Volunteers for New Club/Region Governing Documents Task Force
In July 2024 the SIA Board of Directors approved a Club/Region Governing Documents Task Force. Soroptimist members from SIA’s various language and culture/country groups are invited to apply for task force appointment.
PRoAction Newsletter- October 2024
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
103 Years of Impact: Happy Founder’s Day!
Happy Founders Day! The first Soroptimist club was founded on October 3, 1921, in Oakland, California, USA. We are so grateful for our members' ongoing hard work, generosity, and passion for our mission!
Your Guide To Creating a Fundraiser on Facebook
Facebook makes it easy for you to create a fundraiser to support causes that matter to you. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up your fundraiser on Facebook to benefit SIA!
UpliftHER Initiative: Intimate Partner Violence
For the first quarter of UpliftHER (October-December), we will focus on projects that increase access to education for women or girls who have experienced intimate partner violence. Learn and get materials to spread awareness!
Roadmap Metrics Recognition and Best in Federation Awards - Delayed
As we evolve our technology at SIA, our database and reporting functions are also transitioning, affecting our usual timeline for recognitions.
2025 UN Commission on the Status of Women
UN CSW68 and the NGO CSW68 Forum take place March 11–22, 2024, in New York, NY. If you are interested in attending as a delegate, fill out the survey!
New Club Year, New Program Details!
With the new fiscal year upon us, please take the time to read these important updates for our Programs.
PRoAction Newsletter- September 2024
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!